
Where can I Lüm?

Lüm Mobile is available to all residents of Saskatchewan with a Saskatchewan address.
We're powered by SaskTel’s wireless network, with coverage available nationwide on Canada’s largest network.


Saskatchewan LTE and LTE-A Canada 4G Canada LTE


Coverage reaches 99% of the Canadian population with no roaming fees anywhere in the country. The data you buy with Lüm covers your data, calls, and text usage from anywhere in Canada to anywhere in Canada or the U.S.!

LTE: Covers 99% of the Saskatchewan population. LTE is part of a larger nationwide network for Canada-wide coverage.

LTE Advanced (LTE-A): Provides greater stability and performance, with download speeds up to 2.5 times faster than LTE.

Voice over LTE (VoLTE) - now here! Provides VoLTE capable phones with high-definition calls, faster connection times and improved battery life. Available in most locations on the LTE network. Learn more here.

Travelling with Lüm

Travel Coverage - Take Lüm Mobile with you when you travel to the U.S. and Mexico! Lüm uses AT&T’s LTE network across the U.S., automatically switching to 4G outside the LTE coverage area. Please be advised our U.S. network partners made 3G network changes in 2022 that will impact voice calls in the U.S. unless you have a VoLTE eligible phone. Learn more about VoLTE phones here. PLUS - there is more good news - data and text messaging will still work for all phones in the U.S. so you can buy Travel Data and still make voice calls with data services like FaceTime and WhatsApp. If you're travelling to other international locations, you can still take your Lüm phone and explore other ways to use mobile service, like buying a SIM card from the international location you are travelling to or using Wi-Fi.

Purchase Travel Data

Travel data is as easy as all your other data: buy it when you need it and save anything leftover! As long as you have an active Lüm membership, your travel data never expires. It will be available for you the next time you travel.

It’s easy to buy, manage, and keep track of your travel usage through myLüm—and you can manage your travel notifications through the Notifications setting in the app or from the website.

Make calls and send texts while you’re on an adventure!
1 MB = 1 minute (roaming & long-distance included)
1 MB = 1 outgoing text message (incoming texts are free)


Lüm Mobile service is only available to roam and use in Canada, the U.S. or Mexico.
Service will not work outside of these countries.

You can still take your phone internationally and explore other ways to use mobile service, like buying a SIM card from the international location you are travelling to or use Wi-Fi.

You can use your Lüm data to stay connected with friends and family internationally by using calling or messaging apps like WhatsApp.

Traditional voice phone calls and SMS (text) messages can only be made within and to Canada, the U.S. & Mexico.

No, you buy data based on the country you are using it in:

- Canada data: covers usage when you are home in Saskatchewan and travelling across Canada.
- U.S. Travel data: covers usage when you are travelling in the U.S.
- Mexico Travel data: covers usage when you are travelling in Mexico

Each type of data (Canada, U.S., Mexico) is kept in a separate data balance. There is no sharing or transferring.

Keep your membership active and your data never expires – so if you have unused data at the end of a trip, you won’t lose it! It will be waiting for you the next time you return.

No – Lüm Mobile runs on SaskTel’s wireless network in Saskatchewan and roaming coverage across Canada.

Lüm customers currently get the same coverage as SaskTel's network.

No! Your data is never throttled with Lüm Mobile – all your data is always at our best / full speeds.

That means no data caps and no reduced speeds. Woo hoo - it's full speed ahead!


Travel Data 

- You can purchase Travel Data to roam in the U.S. and Mexico where service is available.  Data purchased for Canada cannot be used in the U.S. and Mexico Travel Data:  

- may only be used outside of Canada;  
- cannot be transferred to the Canada data balance; and 
- is non-refundable. 

- Every time you talk, send a message, or use data, the applicable cost is deducted from your Travel Data balance.  Outgoing text messages are deducted from the data balance at a rate of 1 MB per message.  All incoming and outgoing calls are deducted from the data balance at a rate of 1 MB per minute.  MMS messages are deducted from the data balance based on the actual size of the picture or video. 
- The Talk & Text add-on does not include calls made and messages sent while roaming outside of Canada.  
- Travel Data cannot be set to auto-pay. 
- If you purchase $100 in Travel Data in any 30-day period, you will be required to consent to purchases over $100. 

Getting Started 

Eligibility for Service 

- Customers must reside in Saskatchewan and have a billing and shipping address within the province to sign up for the Service. 
- You must bring your own phone. 
- Your phone and its software must meet minimum Lüm network standards.  Our network standards will be updated sometimes, and you may no longer be able to use the service without - upgrading your software or phone.  



Service Area and Coverage Details  

- You can use the Service within Lüm’s coverage areas in Saskatchewan or areas served by companies with whom we have roaming agreements in the rest of Canada. 
- You can call and text numbers in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. You cannot receive international calls and text messages from countries other than Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.  The U.S. includes Alaska, Hawaii and the country of Guam. 
- Roaming is available in the U.S. and Mexico where Lüm has agreements with roaming partners. Coverage areas, and the connectivity in these areas, will depend on the availability of network facilities which is subject to change from time to time, without notice.   

Fair and Appropriate Use 

Lüm Mobile services are meant to be used primarily within Saskatchewan. If more than half of your data usage on an ongoing basis is occurring outside of Saskatchewan, Lüm Mobile reserves the right to limit your data, the amount of data transferred, deny, suspend, or terminate the service or any part, component, or feature thereof, without notice, to anyone believed to be using any Lüm Mobile wireless service or feature in any manner that adversely impacts Lüm Mobile.   


Network Operation, Details & Limitations 

Speeds are limited by environmental factors including tower locations, distance from cell sites, network congestion, tower hand-offs, and phone used.